Horoscope Hoaxer
I am the horoscope hoaxer,
the dream generator,
the false hope provider.
Self-confessed con master,
selling lies to those famished,
desperate to find
a redeeming quality
to excuse their oblivious vanity.
Most greedily I pry
on those gagging to brag
about their good nature,
ability to understand others
and rejection of egoism.
‘So good to finally be understood’ -
I am the relatable poster.
‘That is SO me!’,
the agony aunt
that is never invited to family functions.
However, I got the position because I,
a faithful, honest,
devoted to the pursuit of truth Cancerian
am superior to my brothers
who are damned by the moon
and the stars to be weak willed, cruel and intolerable.
And yet as the sun dims
And those very stars align
I still lie alone at night.
Cursed by explosive emotions
exhaustive anxiety
and an inability to make
a single soul
fall in love with me.
If only I had been born a week later.